II Concurso Nacional Elevator Pitch Emprendedores

This is a free course in which you will discover how to build from zero your own Elevator Pitch: a speech of one minute in which each entrepreneur tries to capture the attention of a potential investor to achieve a subsequent interview which explain your idea and your project.

23 May 2014
II Concurso Nacional Elevator Pitch Emprendedores

Summary of the event

This is a free course in which you will discover how to build from zero your own Elevator Pitch: a speech of one minute in which each entrepreneur tries to capture the attention of a potential investor to achieve a subsequent interview which explain your idea and your project. With this course we offer the most powerful communication tool there is today for all entrepreneurs who have an idea or a business plan for leaders who want to motivate your team and those who will find a job. More than 500 Spanish entrepreneurs and 300 nurseries and incubators around the country participated in the First National Elevator Pitch Competition for Entrepreneurs in its first edition in 2013.


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23 May 2014

