Tips to reduce loading times and improve a website’s SEO

4 min reading
Innovation / 15 June 2018
Tips to reduce loading times and improve a website’s SEO
Tips to reduce loading times and improve a website’s SEO


Nowadays there are numerous tools to measure the loading times of different websites. A design adapted to consumption on mobile devices and loading times, are two of the basic elements on any to do list when one thinks about a digital project.

10 years ago, the success of a website, and in particular, the elements that influenced the good or bad positioning in search engines, depended on a series of metrics that have changed a huge amount. An element that has now become one of the obvious success metrics is the time for loading the page. A design adapted to consumption on mobile devices, in particular smartphones, and loading times, are two of the basic elements on any to do list when one thinks about a digital project.

If the project isn’t new, the first step would be to evaluate the time it takes to load the content of a website. There are now numerous tools available to measure that speed while establishing whether or not a website is adapted to mobile devices and to what degree. The tools most used by developers or experts in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are associated with Google, for obvious reasons.

Reducing the server response time: an element that normally results in slower loading times.

Deleting the JavaScript that blocks the viewing and CSS of the content at the top half of the page: the JavaScript is an interesting element to include animations or transitions in a website, although it also negatively affects the loading times.

Minimizing JavaScript and CSS: compacting the JavaScript code could save a large number of data bytes and speed up the downloading times.

Optimization of images: large photos take up a huge amount of time and space.

Usability elements: all the visible content on the website must perfectly adapt to the device’s visible screen.

Loading times: how to improve performance

There are some practical tips to help any normal user, SEO expert or developer to improve the conditioning factors that directly influence the fast loading of a specific website:

–  JavaScript: <script src=”script.js” language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”></script>

– CSS: <link rel=stylesheet type=”text/css” href=”hoja_de_estilos.css”>

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