API World: Open Banking Regulations

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The five keys to understanding PSD2

On December 23, 2015, Directive 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and Council, known as the PSD2 directive, was approved, providing a new regulatory framework for the use of mobile payments, tools from non-banking institutions and enhanced security. What do these changes mean compared to the first PSD and how do they affect companies?

Open Banking Regulations, PSD2 / 02 September 2020
Five lessons on open banking from the UK

Five lessons on open banking from the UK

In recent years, the United Kingdom has become one of the strongest supporters of open banking worldwide. It all started when HM Treasury decided to create a working group on this matter in 2015; then, one and half years ago, an entity was created to handle the transition; and, in January 13, 2018 standards were implemented and the UK is now at the forefront of open banking.

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Most relevant blockchain experts

Blockchain is the technology behind bitcoin, a huge database distributed in numerous servers all around the world that gathers all the transactions made in bitcoins. It supports secure and reliable financial transactions between two parties without intermediaries, thus driving down costs. We list below some blockchain experts that you can not miss.

Open Banking Regulations / 17 May 2018
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