How a Big Data app can help you make decisions
Everyday more and more apps are developed aimed at helping businesspeople enhance their decision-making processes. AppData, awarded the third prize at InnovaChallenge Mexico, is one example.
Everyday more and more apps are developed aimed at helping businesspeople enhance their decision-making processes. AppData, awarded the third prize at InnovaChallenge Mexico, is one example.
Geomarketing campaigns help you improve your business, and you can use tools to implement them. For example, Pear Campaigns, a winning solution in InnovaChallenge Mexico.
Curiosity and humility are two of the basic qualities for a data scientist but what kind of professional profiles are being sought in the world of data science? This is the debate at the event 'Emerging Tech, what do you do when data change everything?'
Science needs computer technology to handle the vast quantities of atomic data and convert them into information from which knowledge can be inferred. The need to process and organize these data gave rise to languages for statistical treatment like R.
Credit card operators have for some time used machine learning techniques in Apache Hadoop platforms to attract new customers, drive up turnover, provide personalized recommendations and detect fraud.
Mapping data, visualizing them in geospatial apps and applying automatic learning. We put our knowledge into practice with the help of these video tutorials.
If you missed the InnovaChallenge Data Week event, there's nothing to worry about. Here are all the presentation so you can go through everything that the experts panel dealt with.
Tableau has become one of the most widely used tools among data analysts in both the corporate and business world and among professionals who use it for editorial purposes.
Dare2Data is one of the pillars of InnovaChallenge Data Week. This intensive course gathered experts from all areas dealing with information: analysis, visualization, prediction…
Data analysis tools, visualization tools, advice for achieving a good return on investment in Big Data projects… All is revealed our Dare2Data experts' presentations.