API World: Digital transformation. Page 6

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What is Big Data used for?

It is becoming increasingly frequent and necessary for companies to incorporate solutions, tools and features based on data analysis into their strategies. The demand for experts specializing in Big Data has also increased exponentially in recent years.

APIs, Digital transformation / 28 August 2018
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APIs for travel

Tourism is a highly innovative sector, and APIs are the perfect allies for improving the customer experience for different types of travelers. Below are some examples and success stories involving APIs in the world of travel.


APIs, Digital transformation / 16 August 2018
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Tips for improving the UX

Any human activity has always required a focus, a way of capturing the approach or vision that condenses the purpose of the action: making sufficient fire to provide heat but not so much that it leaves the group without reserves of wood; designing an app that performs its main function but remains easy to use.

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Open APIs, one of the six trends that will define the future of Fintech

Openness - the open APIs trend- will be one of the most significant in the Fintech industry in the upcoming months. This has been stated by the Institute of Digital Economics of the ESIC in a recent report that also includes the Web 4.0, ‘Social to Everything Media’, blockchain technology, authentication and B2C interfaces as its main topics.

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