API World: APIs. Page 16

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The 10 best tweets about APIs

As we have done before, we have re-analyzed Twitter posts related to APIs. Over the last few days there has been talk about the wide range of benefits and also the possible challenges presented by implementing APIs in business. Here are the 10 best latest tweets about APIs, according to their content and circulation.

APIs, Banking as a service / 26 July 2017
Infographic: Top APIs 2016

Infographic: Top APIs 2016

2016 seems to have been a great year for APIs, as reflected by ProgrammableWeb, one of the best known international directories. The site that provides news and information about the world of the API economy has compiled last year’s most interesting ones, divided by categories.

APIs, Banking as a service / 14 March 2017
1 2 3 ... 14 15 16 17 18 ... 24 25 26


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