API World: APIs. Page 14

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Ten Twitter accounts to keep up to date with APIs

Twitter offers an incredible amount of information and it's sometimes difficult to choose. To keep up to date in the world of APIs, you can save a lot of time if you follow certain accounts, in addition to serving as an interesting stimulus. This is a selection of 10 essential accounts for developers.

APIs, Banking as a service / 14 June 2018
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Want to know how to build a conversational ‘chatbot’? Here are some tools

Four of the most widely used tools for creating simple conversational chatbots are API.ai, Motion.ai, Smooch.io and Gupshup.io, whilst Chatfuel is an excellent alternative. The idea is to be able to launch bots on messaging platforms and social networks, such as Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Slack and WeChat, in three or four steps.

APIs / 11 May 2018
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Open APIs, one of the six trends that will define the future of Fintech

Openness - the open APIs trend- will be one of the most significant in the Fintech industry in the upcoming months. This has been stated by the Institute of Digital Economics of the ESIC in a recent report that also includes the Web 4.0, ‘Social to Everything Media’, blockchain technology, authentication and B2C interfaces as its main topics.

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APIs for dummies: five easy ways to know more about them

What is an API? An API is a set of functions or procedures used by computer programs to access operating system services, software libraries, or other systems. However, there are other more attractive ways rather than this sober definition to know more about the benefits and uses of APIs. Websites, the media and specialized companies have attempted to explain it as didactically, graphically and creatively as possible. 

APIs, Banking as a service / 16 March 2018
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