API World: APIs. Page 11

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Security in mobile APIs: OAuth 2.0 vs basic HTTP access authentication

Using an optimal credential or authentication system is vital to ensure the security of an application programming interface. OAuth 2.0 has become the basic security protocol for mobile APIs development and for providing credentials to launch native applications. The basic HTTP access authentication method does not guarantee the same level of security.

APIs, Cybersecurity / 20 September 2018
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Cloud storage and APIs

One of the greatest recent technology revolutions is the management of data in the cloud, both for processing large volumes of information and for managing services for end users. Almost no company in the world conceives of cloud-based services without APIs. Below are four articles where you can find out more about APIs and cloud computing.

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APIs and Insurtech

Insurtech is –for the time being– the fintech companies' little brother. We take a closer look at the Insurtech sector and pick out four international online tools that offer their APIs for medical, driving, life and other types of insurance to the public.

APIs / 29 August 2018
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What is Big Data used for?

It is becoming increasingly frequent and necessary for companies to incorporate solutions, tools and features based on data analysis into their strategies. The demand for experts specializing in Big Data has also increased exponentially in recent years.

APIs, Digital transformation / 28 August 2018
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