API World: APIs. Page 10

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The best blogs on APIs

Software professionals are a restless breed of Internet users, and conventional means of online communication, such as blogs, are rarely their favorite means of sharing concerns and insights. However, there are some excellent blogs out there on APIs, many of them on corporate sites. Below is a selection of the best blogs to keep up with all the latest regarding these software tools.


APIs / 05 October 2018
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6 things that you didn’t know had APIs behind them

Technology has permeated into every aspect of everyday life. APIs are more prevalent in our daily lives than most of us realize and they make life easier for programmers and developers, and for you too. To prove it, we pinpoint 6 things that have an API running under the hood an you never imagined concealed one or several APIs. 

APIs / 02 October 2018
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APIs to manage your business better

Nowadays, most businesses have a technology component, although nobody would say that their company is technological because it uses e-mail or mobile phones. The same applies to APIs and tools that enable your company to operate.


APIs, Business development / 28 September 2018
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