Sergio Alvarez interview, Vizzuality

2 min reading
Development , Startups / 14 January 2014
Sergio Alvarez interview, Vizzuality


Here is the transcription of the interview:

I founded Vizzuality five years ago when I was 23. It is a visualization study designed to bring science and policy-making closer to people, it’s about decision-making and being able to make better decisions and improve, to help people who decide to change the world for the better.

We are two partners and we first met at the company I was working for previously. We decided that what we were doing at the end was not really fulfilling and we needed to go home feeling that we did something we liked.

He first began to research on his own and he ended up tricking me into working with him. We started doing experiments and research projects that we published on a blog and at one point a United Nations agency contacted us and told us that they wanted the same thing we had published so they could use with their logo, and this is how Vizzuality was born.

Five years with Vizzuality:

Now we are 15 people and we have two offices, one in New York and one in Madrid. The profile right now is technical people, and above all they are very eager to innovate and have a great time and enjoy with the projects we do.

We do a great deal of research, they have to like researching, so there are people who don’t quite fit in. It’s all about arriving at work and somehow deciding what you do today, and deciding it on your own sounds great, but not everyone fits in. It’s very proactive people, with many interests, a bit like that, nothing too complex.

Vizzuality´s clients:

The clients we like best are those who work on things that really matter.

We work with NASA, the University of Oxford, Yale University, the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, international organizations like the World Resource Institute, United Nations agencies and some big companies like Google and BBVA.

Advice for entrepreneurs:

There’s a bit of everything. First, the initial reason for setting up a company should not be to make money, because if you want to make money it will be much easier to work for a large corporation than to struggle to get your company off the ground.

If you don’t want to work so many hours for something you don’t really like. That’s the main thing, having a vision and believing in it, something you really feel passionate about.

This is my mantra. This is why I got started in this business, because I loved it. The money came latter, and I know I’m not going to get rich either, but I go back home having worked in something I like.

The next step would be to surround yourself with people you really like, who convince you, and above all who are ready to work.

Ultimately, being an entrepreneur is simply working hard for something you believe in, and it’s demanding. We shouldn’t believe it’s plain sailing.

More information:

The ten young Spanish innovators aged under 35


Sergio Alvarez interview, Vizzuality

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