API World: BBVA API_Market Resources area: Page 8

Success stories, news, events and all kinds of information related to open banking

BBVA Open4U is now part of BBVA API_Market

BBVA Open4U is now part of BBVA API_Market

Technology has gradually transformed almost any sector you can imagine. The financial sector is no exception: trends have changed and there has been a significant paradigm shift in banking. Movements such as open banking have used technology as a driver to revolutionize the concept of banking services as we know it. The changes it has […]

29 September 2020
How do open banking and APIs benefit your company?

How do open banking and APIs benefit your company?

Open banking has changed the financial paradigm as we have known it so far. The widespread use of new digital platforms, connected devices and technology consumers has led to a boom in business opportunities for every company, many of which are already leveraging their benefits as much as possible.

22 September 2020
Four examples of how APIs can bring value to people

Four examples of how APIs can bring value to people

Many industries view "appification" as one of the most important drivers of technological innovation in coming years. In open banking, this advantage opens the door to previously unexplored territory, even outside traditional banking.

Innovation / 14 September 2020
The importance of having all your cash statements in real time

The importance of having all your cash statements in real time

Real-time cash flow is a growing need for companies, regardless of their size. This is a new business area that is benefiting from a much more favorable regulation and the opening-up of financial APIs, which will enable new applications adapted to each company to be developed.

Treasury / 10 September 2020
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