API World: BBVA API_Market Resources area: Page 16

Success stories, news, events and all kinds of information related to open banking

5 interesting articles about the power of open data

5 interesting articles about the power of open data

Open data is revolutionizing the way solutions are proposed and decisions are made. It is impossible to calculate its potential, and both mainstream and specialized media all over the world are talking about it. Spain is a leader in management of open data in public digital services, according to an issue published by the European Union.

Digital transformation / 05 November 2018
APIs & books: Amazon, Google Books, ISBN and their open APIs

APIs & books: Amazon, Google Books, ISBN and their open APIs

Books also have a place in the world of APIs. In this article we analyze the details and features of Amazon, Google Books and ISBN's open APIs, and take a look at book identifiers. The ISBN, including their control digits, can be a headache, so the best idea is always to verify the validity of your code before calling any API.

APIs, Digital transformation / 24 September 2018
Five lessons on open banking from the UK

Five lessons on open banking from the UK

In recent years, the United Kingdom has become one of the strongest supporters of open banking worldwide. It all started when HM Treasury decided to create a working group on this matter in 2015; then, one and half years ago, an entity was created to handle the transition; and, in January 13, 2018 standards were implemented and the UK is now at the forefront of open banking.

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