API World: BBVA API_Market Resources area: Page 16

Success stories, news, events and all kinds of information related to open banking

PayStats helps assess the impact of the low-emission area Madrid Central

PayStats helps assess the impact of the low-emission area Madrid Central

How do town-planning decisions affect a city's routines? How can data help assess and make decisions? The granularity and detailed information offered by PayStats allowed Madrid's city council to draw a more accurate map of consumer behavior and gain an objective measurement of the impact of the traffic restriction measures on commercial activity.

01 March 2019
Open banking: new challenges and job opportunities

Open banking: new challenges and job opportunities

Hay quien lo llama ‘revolución’, otros prefieren definirlo como ‘evolución’. Sea como fuere, la fuerte transformación que vive el sector bancario impulsada por la entrada en vigor en noviembre de 2018 de la directiva europea sobre servicios de pago digitales PSD2, lleva aparejada un cambio en los perfiles profesionales que demanda la industria.

26 February 2019
Everything you need to know about Alibaba’s APIs

Everything you need to know about Alibaba’s APIs

Alibaba is the paradigm of a company capable of accelerating growth through technology. In less than one decade it has grown from an intermediary to a benchmark in technological progress. Proof of it are products such as Alipay, now present in the BBVA ecosystem.

25 February 2019
5 interesting articles about the power of open data

5 interesting articles about the power of open data

Open data is revolutionizing the way solutions are proposed and decisions are made. It is impossible to calculate its potential, and both mainstream and specialized media all over the world are talking about it. Spain is a leader in management of open data in public digital services, according to an issue published by the European Union.

05 November 2018
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