API World: BBVA API_Market Resources area: Page 14

Success stories, news, events and all kinds of information related to open banking

Open banking beyond Europe’s borders

Open banking beyond Europe’s borders

The open banking revolution has only just begun. The arrival of the PSD2 payment directive has laid the foundations in European territory, and it also highlights the United Kingdom's drive with the initiative promoted by the Competition and Markets Authority. But how is open banking tackled outside the Old Continent? We review the initiatives in 8 countries around the world.

11 November 2019
APIs for analyzing payments, customers, prices and products

APIs for analyzing payments, customers, prices and products

In the world of retail, it is often difficult to stand out in an ever more saturated global market. This is why it is crucial to have the right tools to analyze payments, customers, competitors’ prices and to monitor products in the various marketplaces and online stores.

06 November 2019
Past, present and future of Big Data

Past, present and future of Big Data

The world is flooded with data at a pace which increases by 40% every year. These are some prior steps, forecasts and trends for Big Data until the year 2027.

10 September 2019
APIs and chatbots, a helping hand to enrich your business

APIs and chatbots, a helping hand to enrich your business

2016 was the best year ever for chatbots and their popularity is showing no signs of abating. Improvements in artificial intelligence, the vast quantities of data accessible via the Internet and the support of technology giants of the likes of Facebook and Google all combined to create the ideal conditions for their boom. 

01 August 2019
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