API World: BBVA API_Market Resources area: Page 13

Success stories, news, events and all kinds of information related to open banking

How APIs are powering smart cities

How APIs are powering smart cities

Companies and institutions are coming together to develop smart cities as international meeting points and business hubs. Barcelona, New York, the Australian government or the EU for example have been using APIs to drive connected cities. Rudolf Giffinger, one of the world's leading experts in urban development, defines smart cities using six clearly separate criteria: economy, mobility, environment, administration, way of life and residents. Most cities in the world assess their characteristics as smart cities based on these values. 

APIs, Digital transformation / 03 December 2019
Open banking beyond Europe’s borders

Open banking beyond Europe’s borders

The open banking revolution has only just begun. The arrival of the PSD2 payment directive has laid the foundations in European territory, and it also highlights the United Kingdom's drive with the initiative promoted by the Competition and Markets Authority. But how is open banking tackled outside the Old Continent? We review the initiatives in 8 countries around the world.

Digital transformation, Open banking / 11 November 2019
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