API World: BBVA API_Market Resources area: Page 11

Success stories, news, events and all kinds of information related to open banking

APIs as virtual printing presses: news for all

APIs as virtual printing presses: news for all

Why just read the news when you can hack it? This is how The New York Times encourages developers to dabble among the APIs offered by the great 'Gray Lady' of journalism. If, at the end of the day, these represent the technology par excellence through which computers communicate, how can it not impact the communication industry par excellence?

APIs, Business development / 20 February 2020
XaaS: create your own adventure

XaaS: create your own adventure

Digital transformation has generated a business environment where nobody wishes to be left behind. In 2019, the expansion of APIs and financial marketplaces, on the strength of open banking, has helped to promote Everything as a Service (XaaS), and infrastructure democratization by association.

Open banking / 18 February 2020
Keys to choosing an API for your product or service

Keys to choosing an API for your product or service

An API is an open door. In which to enter and what to find? Formally an 'Application Programming Interface' (API) is a precise specification on how a software module communicates or interacts with another. Returning to the simile of the door, it is, for example, Twitter ringing Google's bell to ask for our data and thus avoiding having to fill out forms again. We must be selective when choosing which bells we ring.

14 February 2020
Lean UX: what it is and how it helps users

Lean UX: what it is and how it helps users

The documentation UX professionals deliver to their customers sometimes becomes an end in itself, rather than a means to achieve a better product for the user. User experience has for some time now been one of the most highly valued aspects of digital product creation. It is applied in the conceptualization and design of websites, apps, instant messaging and in wide-ranging sectors. 

13 February 2020
Gaming becomes more social thanks to APIs

Gaming becomes more social thanks to APIs

Video games are a shared experience with friends not only in real life, but also in social media. In the virtual world it is almost as important to say what you are playing  as the game itself. The fields of gaming and social media have been intertwined in recent times, thanks to the help of APIs. Below in this article you can check some platforms that currently contribute to this union.

12 February 2020
Benefits and applications of Big Data

Benefits and applications of Big Data

The consultants Mckinsey highlight the four ways Big Data can generate value for any industry: First, Big Data generates value by making information transparent and relatively easy to use. Second, by creating and storing more transactional data in a digital form, organizations can gather more accurate and detailed information –from inventories to days taken off work–, thus improving performance. In fact, […]

APIs, Digital transformation / 06 February 2020
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