API World: BBVA API_Market Resources area: Page 10

Success stories, news, events and all kinds of information related to open banking

Smartphone use consolidates its upward trend on payment platforms

Smartphone use consolidates its upward trend on payment platforms

The mass use of smartphones and other mobile devices, coupled with the outstanding growth of e-commerce, has displaced cash as the preferred means of payment (increasingly more residual). The figures speak for themselves. In Spain, the use of mobile payment apps grew by 30% in the second quarter of 2019, according to the Estudio General […]

29 June 2020
Open banking makes its way in America despite little regulatory momentum

Open banking makes its way in America despite little regulatory momentum

The opening up of financial markets through technology and the creation of new digital products is progressing unevenly across the Americas. While in this article we analyzed the state of open banking in Asia and Oceani, in this article we focus on several American countries. While nations such as Mexico and Brazil champion regulations that […]

20 June 2020
How open banking helps improve your customers experience

How open banking helps improve your customers experience

Open banking has become one of the main transmission levers of the digitization of financial institutions. Not only that, at present, it is an essential element to improve the satisfaction of their customers, who are increasingly accustomed to the agility and immediacy of the online universe.

24 April 2020
Traditional banking as an open platform

Traditional banking as an open platform

The PSD2 not only speeds up the access of new players to the financial sector, it is also a driver of banking business digital transformation. A turning point that all European banking institutions are now required to comply with.

19 March 2020
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