Keep up to date with short videos on the Internet of Things

2 min reading
05 January 2016
Keep up to date with short videos on the Internet of Things
Keep up to date with short videos on the Internet of Things


The API Hour: IoT Day

During the Internet of Things day held at the BBVA Innovation Center, on Calle Santa Bárbara in Madrid, a number of speakers discussed the global and domestic status of the IoT.

These included a talk during the inaugural morning session from Pedro Diezma, of Zerintia Tech, a company that designs wearables and works in close partnership with Aladina Foundation on its Superhero School projects. 

Also at the event were Francisco Jariego, Director of Industrial Internet of Things at Telefonica, who discussed the IoT-driven transition from products toward services, and Ignasi Errando of CISCO, who quantified the amount of data that we generate daily at two exabytes.

That afternoon there were further excellent speeches, such as a talk from Conchi Sánchez of Fitbit, on the role of wearables in the current IoT field. Her company, which makes wearable devices for sports and health related activities, is already able to relatively effectively measure the circadian rhythms of individuals.

Carlos Muñoz from BEEVA detailed The API Hour platform that had been set up at the BBVA Innovation Center to monitor activity levels that day, which included a large deployment of sensors for the occasion. This and many other activities run by the firm are fruit of its "creative approach to IoT".

Marc Pous, IT Engineer and founder of

Marc Pous discusses, in this recent interview with BBVA API_Market, the democratization of electronics and the Internet made possible by the rise of the IoT to its current status. This is obviously a difficult topic to pin down, given the infinite scope open to this emerging technology, based on compiling and interconnecting information, largely from sensors.

According to Pous, the future for the IoT is clearly one of growth. The technology is hotly awaited by consumers, despite his belief that there is still plenty of market yet to be opened up in Spain compared to other countries, such, of course, as USA

The ease with which devices can be incorporated into IoT ecosystems makes the founder and CEO of believe its ubiquity is just a matter of time. Find out in this video just how far Spain has been "sensorized".

Javier Navarro, Director of The App Date

In this interview held at the BBVA Innovation Center, Javier Navarro predicts what he expected to be the key tech trends in 2014. He wasn't too far off the mark.

Although he chiefly focuses on the challenges associated with incorporating the Internet of Things (IoT) in cars and wearables, Navarro also talks about the tech trends that he finds most appealing and what future he sees for apps.

Find out which predictions the CEO of The App Date got right in his interview with the BBVA API_Market team in this video.    

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