Innova Challenge Big Data: a source of innovative talent

4 min reading
Development / 25 February 2014
Innova Challenge Big Data: a source of innovative talent


The Innova Challenge Big Data competition has been warmly welcomed by the developer community and Big Data experts. During the course of the contest, we received more than 140 projects from 19 countries (including USA, India, Japan and Spain), which is indicative of the innovation potential of big data processing. This was a great experience for BBVA where we have been able to learn and collaborate with developers and Big Data experts through training and workshops. In these workshops we have seen how you have turned your great ideas into real, exciting and innovative projects.

As proof of all the talent present in this competition, we have decided to highlight some of the most amazing, innovative and revolutionary apps that took part in the contest, which, although not winners of any awards, do deserve an honorable mention.

Consumer apps.

Ecotrab. This app combines information from the BBVA Innova Challenge API and data from surveys and administrative sources in the public domain. The figures, on labor and social issues, are presented graphically so that the spatial differences and time trends can be appreciated. The results are segregated by sex, age and educational level ranges. The project is intended to contribute to understanding economic events and knowledge about the problems of the world of work. The site also has a blog with short articles on different subject matters and graphics documenting the content.

Wherebuy. This Android app lets you search for recommended places by both personal consumption as well as social habits. Wherebuy gives the user the opportunity to decide on a place depending on the type of clientele a given place is targeted at, as well as its level of crowding, average score or opinions of the community. In addition, Wherebuy leverages the BBVA Innova Challenge API to show greater accuracy in its results, showing age ranges, gender, etc.

VigData. This app visually displays the extensive existing interaction between the data included in the dataset provided by the BBVA Innova Challenge API. The representations generated by VigData can be exploited by users to suit their analysis. Through this app users can find relationships between data that were not immediately apparent, which can sometimes be helpful in answering any new questions that crop up during the course of the analysis. Thus, the main objective of VigData is to facilitate the discovery of these relationships. The app is highly configurable and has several views linked together, making it posible to analyze the information included in the dataset from any of its various forms (spatial, time-related or multidimensional). Furthermore, this application works in real time on data provided directly by the service.

Apps for the corporate/public sector.

Investment Tools. This web app leverages data provided by the BBVA Innova Challenge API in order to help maximize investments in new business projects. It provides simple tools to find new places to start a business or improve an existing one.

Where2start. This web app leverages all the potential offered by the data from the BBVA Innova Challenge API by combining them with data from Foursquare. The result is an app that provides useful information to entrepreneurs on the best possible location when starting a business. Where2start provides consumption results by type of business and target market of users that the user’s project is aimed at.

Web or Visualization:

BBVA Open Data Cube. This project is based on both Open Software and Open Hardware, through the maker movement (Do It Yourself). This is the prototype of a physical display interface in the analog world, from retail transaction data provided through the BBVA Innova Challenge API. Furthermore, the device follows the path initiated by other wearable devices (the Internet of Things), which allows anyone to be able to control what is displayed on the cube through the project website. Open Data Cube has been one of the most disruptive proposals in this edition of Innova Challenge.

Talsivia. Through the use of transaction data provided by the BBVA Innova Challenge API, this tool aids in planning a city's cleaning tasks for municipalities or companies involved. This visualization combines the information provided by the bank with other sources such as the Community of Madrid Institute of Statistics or the Madrid City Council Directorate General of Green Heritage. Talsivia helps with the planning of a city's cleaning tasks based on aspects such as crowding (for which it uses BBVA API), existence of green areas or the influence of the weather.

Scorecard of Purchases in the City of Madrid. This website provides a complete set of graphs, tables and maps based on data provided by the BBVA Innova Challenge API. The website visually displays the data on retail transactions provided by BBVA segmented by age, gender, or geographic location. This project has four sub-sections showing the expenses incurred throughout the municipality of Madrid, by district or by a specific zip code. The last sub-section provides a detailed analysis of the data from BBVA. The visualization incorporates data from other statistical sources such as the population census or the DIRCE.

Flux. This is an interactive visualization showing transaction flows between different cells and zip codes of the cities of Madrid and Barcelona. Flux combines information from the BBVA Innova Challenge API with information from Foursquare in relation to the metropolitan areas of these two cities. The visualization makes it possible, among other things, to identify the areas that are magnets for trade or the places where the greatest number of buyers come from.

Barcelona Commercial Footprints. This visualization reflects consumption flows and distances traveled ​​by different types of BBVA customer from their place of origin to the point of purchase. To this end, this visualization uses all the information from the API created by BBVA for Innova Challenge, while combining this with external sources such as Google Maps, CartoBCN (Barcelona City Council) and the National Center for Geographic Information. The result is spectacular graphics on a 3D map of the city of Barcelona.

Visualizer with remote control. This tool allows you to view historical consumption patterns and transaction data (provided by the BBVA Innova Challenge API). The visualization lets you use a screen to access the data in addition to a secondary device to control what is played. 

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