How to use local SEO to improve your business competitiveness

2 min reading
Innovation / 21 October 2016
How to use local SEO to improve your business competitiveness
How to use local SEO to improve your business competitiveness


Optimizing a SEO strategy is essential to allow people to find your website. If you have a small business it is very important to implement local SEO. ComScore has revealed how nearly 75% of local mobile searches result in a offline purchases.

As is the case with traditional SEO, local SEO begins with a search for keywords. You can start by using Google Analytics to filter data through queries.

The next step is to add a list of subjects related to your business sector. Then you have to categorize the type of target public for the business. This is done by selecting the location in Google Analytics. You also have to list the subjects that cover the content of your website.

Once you have generated a list of subjects, you have to establish a series of keywords for each of these categories. It is then that the local keyword research comes into play. It must begin by adding the geographical area where your business is located.

If your company is not very big, you don’t have to select many keywords. You need a bigger selection when the business is located in a number of different geographical areas.

You can use several tools to extend the list of keywords:

Ubersuggest allows you to select different categories so that the keywords it suggests are more appropriate. generates up to 750 suggestions for keywords, and the list can be exported to a csv file.

The Google AdWords keywords planner contains an “ideas” tab that lets you find suggestions for keywords based on the adverts you choose. The tool also allows you to select keywords according to the time of year: if your business wants to launch a Christmas campaign in December, the keywords corresponding to this campaign will appear in first place on the list.

Planning keywords is very useful for studying the competition and offers on the market. The keywords that generate most traffic are important, but you have to be careful because often they don’t work well with local businesses.

In local SEO it is essential to limit the location carefully and target the keywords only at those areas where your business is located. It is also important to investigate the keywords used by the competition to see how it operates and to get ideas for new keywords. There are a number of tools that can help you research the competition, such as KeywordSpy and SpyFu.

Source: Sitepoint

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