Fintech University streaming again

< 1 min reading
17 June 2016
Fintech University streaming again
Fintech University streaming again



Fintech U have opened its doors this 20th of June. Throughout the whole day different experts have analyzed how the fintech sector is transforming the world of banking, mainly through new technologies such as APIs and new strategies such as open banking models.

If you missed the opportunity to follow it in live, do not miss the streaming of this intense day again.

Morning streaming:

Evening streaming:

Chris Skinner, an expert on the ecosystem of digital banking, and Shamir Karkal, head of Open Platform in BBVA, have approached all attendees to the world of technology finance in this meeting which also has discussed financial APIs, blockchain, digital identity, transactions, theft and mobile payments advisors, among many financial trends.

See the event by streaming again!


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