Fintech University brings light on the opportunities and challenges of the financial services

Fintech University brings light on the opportunities and challenges of the financial services
Fintech University brings light on the opportunities and challenges of the financial services


The city of San Francisco has a rich history as the home to innovation in the banking industry. Back in 1904, A.P. Giannini founded the Bank of Italy, transformed it into the Bank of America, and it became one of the largest commercial banks in the world. Today, the region has a thriving ecosystem of fintech startups, venture capital firms, banks, and other players. BBVA recently brought Fintech University to San Francisco, and the spirit of innovation there couldn’t be stronger.

The one-day conference, with over 200 attendees and more than 25 speakers, addressed some of the opportunities and challenges facing financial services. APIs, payments, digital currencies, and advancements in user experience (UX), were just a few of the topics. In line with the concept of a university, the conversations were frank, and the speakers seemed to learn as much as the members of the audience. It was an open forum to explore, and at times, debate, the future of the industry.

Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing highlights from Fintech University in San Francisco. Short video segments will touch on a range of topics from the value of APIs in banking, to current trends in fintech, to better ways to prevent fraud. Our upcoming blog series will expand on these themes, and there will be a white paper that helps to tie these insights together.

San Francisco continues in its role as a home to innovation, and we look forward to telling some of the stories from #FintechU.

*This article is one in a series from BBVA about the latest in fintech and banking.

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