The best blogs on APIs

< 1 min reading
API Business Models / 05 October 2018
The best blogs on APIs
The best blogs on APIs


Software professionals are a restless breed of Internet users, and conventional means of online communication, such as blogs, are rarely their favorite means of sharing concerns and insights. However, there are some excellent blogs out there on APIs, many of them on corporate sites. Below is a selection of the best blogs to keep up with all the latest regarding these software tools.

Real Time API

Real Time API Hub is a comprehensive directory of APIs that can be useful both to those with a very basic knowledge of software and more advanced users. The blog itself tends to be quite specialized and technical. 

OpenLegacy Blog

Open Legacy is a software consultancy firm that specializes in APIs. The blog featured on its website is usually not too corporate-centric. In contrast with the previous blog, it is aimed at readers with a basic knowledge of APIs.     

Apigee Blog

Acquired by Google in late 2016, Apigee provides an API platform. The website features two blogs, one that discusses digital business more generally and another focused on APIs, examining a range of aspects from design to security.


Datafire is an open-source integration framework for APIs. The blog is not updated on a particularly regular basis, but it does offer excellent information, with a more strategic and less technical approach than other options.   

Finally, we would recommend keeping an eye on the API channel run by the Medium content platform, which is regularly updated with top quality content.


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