APIs to manage your business better

4 min reading
APIs to manage your business better
APIs to manage your business better


Nowadays, most businesses have a technology component, although nobody would say that their company is technological because it uses e-mail or mobile phones. The same applies to APIs and tools that enable your company to operate. It is within the reach of any company to grow with these tools, regardless of its size and budget.

Being able to do more with the data we already have, combine them with other data, find “gold nuggets in digital mud” and other operations are more accessible today than ever before. It is within the reach of any company to grow with these tools, regardless of its size and budget.
Here are some APIs to make your company’s everyday tasks more efficient.

You can increase the productivity of your business with these easy-to-integrate tools.

BombBomb: a different e-mail marketing

Sending marketing emails is an easy process to automate and it is one of the most abused by businesses. Customers and suppliers can quickly lose interest and make an email marketing campaign a way of throwing money away. BombBomb plans to change that by adding a video to each of your company’s emails, with a preview in GIF format.

BombBomb connects to your Gmail or Salesforce account, although its API allows you to extend its capabilities to almost any system. Once you have created one or more campaigns, you can check the open and click rates as well as other variables of your multimedia emails.


SAP Anywhere: a hub for your APIs

Source: SAP Anywhere.

Anywhere is one of the most powerful APIs for any business. It enables you to integrate it in third-party applications, extract data in interoperable JSON format, and then use that information to develop new applications, or integrate it with other APIs or tools you already have in your business.

This flexibility allows you to share data between different divisions in your company. It allows you to turn your stock control into an online store or a management application for your suppliers. You can set it up so that your customer data in CRM are used to create marketing campaigns. These are two of the many benefits of having the SAP Anywhere API as the hub of your business.


Yext: coordinate your public data

Source: Yext Listings.

If your business is in the public eye, you need the information you work with to always be accurate and up to date. Maintaining data in services such as Google Maps, Yelp, Facebook, etc. is very complicated, and if you have a company with several stores or franchises, it becomes plain impossible. This is where Yext Listings can help you.

With this tool, you can access phone numbers, contact information, address, opening hours, offers, and much more – for each of your stores automatically updated on location services such as Google Maps, Apple Maps, your Instagram or Facebook profile, Yelp, and many more. It has a directory of various APIs that allow you to organize this information, as well as receive changes and news of the platforms instantly.

It is within the reach of any company to grow with these tools (APIs), regardless of its size and budget.

FulFil: organize your inventory

Source: FulFil.io

If your business is based on having a product catalog organized across multiple online channels, you surely know how chaotic it can be to manage inventory, shipping and payments across multiple platforms. FulFil.io offers an API that acts as an intermediary between your business and all the suppliers and sales channels you have.

As a channel, it has integrations with Amazon, EBay, Magento and Shopify among others. It also allows you to connect to your social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter to promote your catalog, manage payments with Stripe as a gateway, organize shipments with various package providers and even keep your customer management system up to date.

Taggun: manage your employees’ expenses

Source: Taggun.io

The accounting department of any medium or large company can be flooded with receipts and invoices to be entered into the accounts. A convenient way to make the job easier is to connect your payment platform with the Taggum API.

It works by applying text recognition to images of receipts, extracting tax information from the store, the total price paid, taxes, date and more data automatically. If combined with an employee management platform, your business can create a platform for each employee to deliver expenses quickly and efficiently.


BBVA Business Accounts

Source: BBVA API Market.

Among several APIs offered by BBVA, Business Accounts stands out, which enables you to integrate your applications with the bank’s business accounts. This simple method will enable the company to reduce the loss of users and customers along payment gateways, shopping carts and the like.

The platform uses a 3-pronged authentication method via OAuth: application, API and user that allows each user to act independently. The access and flow of information is always through the standard AEB43 format of bank accounts. Native access to your users’ bank account status is especially useful for integration with ERPs and customer systems.


Are you interested in financial APIs? Discover all the APIs we can offer you at BBVA.

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