API Days Paris: our workshop and most interesting ideas from the event

2 min reading
Development / 09 January 2019
API Days Paris: our workshop and most interesting ideas from the event
API Days Paris: our workshop and most interesting ideas from the event


We attended API Days Paris to present a workshop. Held in other cities such as LondonMelbourne and San Francisco, API Days Paris explored the tag line “The New API Stack for the Programmable Society” with the participation of world-leading experts in application programming interfaces, who shared their experience and knowledge.

With the title The BBVA API_Market Open Banking experience, our workshop focused on the change among retail clients and businesses brought about by open banking, as well as the latter’s key role in financial transformation. We talked about our experience in creating and developing the BBVA API_Market developers portal and explained some use cases and examples of BBVA’s experience from the technical and business standpoints.

However, as we mentioned at the beginning, the event was also a chance to gain new experiences. We particularly enjoyed four of the sessions and presentations and would like to share them with you. The first was “How Dutch Government is using Open API V3 as source of truth” and explained how the Dutch government has adopted version three of the OpenAPI specifications as the de facto standard for defining its APIs. The session was hosted by Dimitri van Hees, API architect and cofounder of Apiwise, who also explained how OASv3 is fostering the digital transformation within the Dutch government.

Christophe Rochefolle, Executive Director of Operational Excellence at OUI.sncf,looked into concepts such as error budget, continuous quality, observability and Chaos Engineering during his presentation, “From Duke of DevOps to Queen of Chaos.” He also described the execution of his first Chaos Monkey in 2017. As some of you will know, this is a resilience engineering method whereby the developers themselves trigger failures in their tools and developments as training for future unscheduled failures.

We also found the presentation “Kubernetes & Beyond” by Alain Regnier, CTO at Alto Lab, very interesting. Regnier explained how Kubernetes have become the de facto standard for container orchestration in a matter of just a few years.

Lastly, we entered the world of cybersecurity with Estelle Auberix, Practice Manager at Umanis. Her presentation “Cyber Security in Continuous Delivery” focused on how to administer your own cybersecurity with continuous delivery, with a particular emphasis on the main concerns, the errors to be avoided and the possible solutions to these errors.

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